Arcus Foundation aims to achieve conservation of the great and small apes. The foundation has supported Fauna & Flora International in Indawgyi to conduct biodiversity and primate surveys, and to pilot effective community-based natural resource management interventions to reduce the threats to primate habitats.
BINGO provided funding through Chances for Nature for Fauna & Flora International and it’s local civil society partner Inn Chit Thu for the construction of the Indawgyi Wetland Education Centre, co-financed by Manfred Hermsen Foundation and the BMZ.
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) was founded in 2000 to support the empowering of civil society in developing countries and transitional economies to protect the world’s biodiversity hotspots, which are some of Earth's most biologically rich, yet threatened terrestrial ecosystems. CEPF has provided support to Fauna & Flora International for the conservation of primates and freshwater ecosystems in Indawgyi Lake.
The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme that helps to protect biodiversity and the natural environment through locally based projects worldwide. Darwin Initiative provides funding to Fauna & Flora International for biodiversity conservation, and the development of sustainable livelihoods in the Indawgyi Biosphere Reserve.
EU development cooperation is assisting the Myanmar government's goals of inclusive, sustainable growth and development for all of the population of Myanmar. Through its ‘non-state actors program’ the EU has provided financial support to Fauna & Flora International to strengthen the role of local civil society organisations in Indawgyi to participate in protected area management and sustainable natural resource management.
The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is the German government’s scientific authority with responsibility for national and international nature conservation. BfN provided funding support to Succow Foundation and Fauna & Flora International for the nomination and gazettement of the Indawgyi Lake Basin as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provided funding through Chances for Nature for Fauna & Flora International’s local civil society partner Inn Chit Thu for the construction of the Indawgyi Wetland Education Centre, co-financed by Manfred Hermsen Foundation, and the BINGO! Environment Foundation of Lower Saxony.
The Helmsley Charity Trust strives to make a meaningful impact in focused areas, employing not only the significant financial assets, but also a rigorous and results-oriented approach. The commitment to close and productive partnerships with the grantees is underpinned by the long-term partnership with FFI. The funds assured a continuing implementation of the comprehensive conservation strategy for Indawgyi Lake starting from first conservation and tourism workshops to the Indawgyi Wetland Education Centre.
KfW Development Bank, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports local community organisations in Indawgyi Lake ASEAN Heritage Park through a small grants program for sustainable livelihood through ACB with technical support and CSO mentoring by Fauna & FIora International.
Manfred Hermsen Foundation has provided funding through Chances for Nature for Fauna & Flora International and it’s local civil society partner Inn Chit Thu for the construction of the Indawgyi Wetland Conservation Centre, co-financed by BINGO! Environment Foundation of Lower Saxony and BMZ. Manfred Hermsen Foundation is also providing technical support for bird monitoring and conservation.
NORAD through the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative is supporting Fauna & Flora International (FFI) to facility community rights over forest lands and securing economic benefits in Myanmar and Liberia. One of the project sites is the Indawgyi landscape in Kachin state. Through the NORAD grant, FFI provides technical and financial support to local forest user groups to secure community forestry tenure and manage community forests for sustainable livelihoods in the Indawgyi biosphere reserve and adjacent forests in Mohnyin district.
USFWS has been building the capacity of governments, NGOs and local communities to address the threats to great apes through the Great Ape Conservation Fund. USFWS is providing financial support to Fauna & Flora International for the conservation of Eastern hoolock gibbons in Indawgyi.